Main configuration variables for your interface

Once you log in to your interface, go to the Interface Config menu option.

Screenshot: Interface Config

You will find a List of Uninitialized Configuration Properties, on the left of the page, these are those properties that you must configure, once, so that your phone system is fully configured and you can take advantage of all the functions of the Phone System.

To set those properties that are not initialized, find the description and an example of each of them below:

Category Property Description
general asterisk_host Server name or IP address of the server where Asterisk® is installed. E.g: vagrant.asterisk
general postgres_host Server name or IP address of the server where Postgres database is installed. E.g: vagrant.postgres
general postgres_username Postgres user, owner or privileged user in your Postgres configuration to log and access the database from the Switchboard Cloud™ interface. E.g: asterisk_role
general postgres_password Password of the Postgres user that you chose in postgres_username, to connect and access the database from the Switchboard Cloud™ interface. E.g: 12345678
general postgres_port The PostgreSQL database service is available by default on port 5432. But if you have a custom configuration that uses a different connection port, you can specify it here. E.g: 5433
dialer dial_out_trunk Here you should put the name of the Trunk created to connect with your favorite communications provider that you hired to make calls (in case you have more than one provider) E.g: twilio-trunk
dialer domestic_cid It's the phone number that others see when you're calling them (for calls within the US). E.g: 8777368888
dialer international_cid International Caller ID, it's the phone number that others see when you're calling them, for international calls. E.g: 12173568888
dialer international_dial_out_code International dialing code for the United States. E.g: 011
dialplan agent_dest_appdata E.g: agents;AGENTID;1
dialplan internal_context Name of the context used in the dialplan for incoming calls to agents and also for internal calls between agents. E.g: agents
dialplan primary_trunk Here you should put the name of the Trunk created to connect with your favorite communications provider that you hired to receive calls (in case you have more than one provider) E.g: twilio- trunk
dialplan queue_dest_appdata E.g: queues;QUEUENAME;1
dialplan trunk_context Name of the context used in the dialplan to handle incoming calls. E.g: from-peer
manager password Password that we use to connect to the Asterisk® Management Interface (AMI). This password is stored in the asterisk_config DB table, you can filter by filename='manager.conf'. E.g: password
manager username Username that we use to connect to the Asterisk® Management Interface (AMI). This username is stored in the asterisk_config DB table, you can filter by filename=’manager.conf’. E.g: switchboard
call_record ignore_list Callee number that you want us to ignore in the Call Records list if you call him. E.g: 2171110000
contacts primary_host Name or IP of the server where the Postgres database that contains the contact data is located. E.g: vagrant.postgres
contacts secondary_host Name or IP of the backup server where the Postgres database that contains the contact data is located. This value is optional. E.g: vagrant.contacts_backup
mail call_record_report_receipients Every time you fill out a Call Record, a notification email is sent to a list of people interested in monitoring this information. Those people's email addresses should be in this list, separated by semicolons. E.g:;
mail call_record_summary_recipients Once a week, a report is sent via email to inform how many Call Records (for the current week) are pending to be filled out by each agent. In this list you'll have the email addresses of the people who receive this report, separated by semicolons. E.g:;
mail from_address Email address from which Switchboard Cloud™ sends emails. E.g:
mail outbound_mail_host Email server from which you send emails. E.g:
recording base_directory File directory where audio files for every call are automatically saved, regardless of which agent made or received it. E.g: /nfs-mounts/asterisk/recording
voicemail base_directory File directory where the audio files of received voicemails are saved. Asterisk® works with the INBOX, Old and Deleted folders within a folder for each agent, which will be the Agent ID. E.g: /nsf-mounts/asterisk/voicemail/101/INBOX
voicemail display_folders Voicemail audio files, included in these folders, which will be displayed in an agent's Dashboard. E.g: INBOX;Old
voicemail folders The folders that Asterisk® needs in its file directory to save and manage voicemail audio files for each Agent. E.g: INBOX;Old;DELETED