Call Records

If an incoming call is answered by you, you will see a Call Record in for that call in your Dashboard.

In the Dashboard you will only see the Call Records pending to be filled. If you want to access a more complete list, go to the Call records menu option.

Screenshot: Call Records

To easily locate a Call Record, use the filters on the page. You can also share the current URL with a colleague at your company, it will include your search without losing the filters.

Note the column on the right that will let you know if a Call Record is still pending to be filled with comments about the call.

Pending Call Records

As said before, you can quickly see the call records that are pending, and that were assigned to your agent from the Dashboard. To fill it press the View button.

Screenshot: Pending Call Records

Fill a Call Record

Once you have finished a call, you can fill out the call details. We recommend that you do it as soon as the call ends, this way you will have fresh all the important details you want to keep about the conversation you just had. This will allow your company to locate calls, and keep in mind that you can search for them years later. That is the importance of filling out call records.

By filling out a Call Record you will have the recording of the call available for reference.

Screenshot: Fill a Call Record

You will receive an email every time you fill out a Call Record, with all the feedback details included in the comments. This way, if you ever want to search for a conversation by topic, we recommend searching using your email client’s filters.