Main Complaints of FreePBX®

FreePBX®, an open-source GUI (graphical user interface) that controls and manages Asterisk®, a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) PBX (private branch exchange) system, is widely used for its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and comprehensive features. However, like any other software, it is not without its challenges and drawbacks. This article explores the main complaints reported by FreePBX® users, providing a detailed look into the common issues and their potential solutions.

  1. Complex Installation and Setup: Many users find the installation and initial setup of FreePBX® to be complicated and time-consuming. The process often requires a level of technical expertise that may be beyond the capabilities of small business owners or IT novices.

  2. Steep Learning Curve: The steep learning curve associated with FreePBX® is another significant concern. Users often struggle with understanding and utilizing the full range of features and configurations available.

  3. Bugs and Software Stability: Users frequently report encountering bugs and stability issues with FreePBX®, which can disrupt business operations and require time-consuming troubleshooting.

  4. Security Concerns: Security is a paramount concern for any PBX system, and FreePBX® users have reported vulnerabilities and security breaches that compromise their communication networks.

  5. Compatibility and Integration Issues: Users often face challenges with compatibility and integration when connecting FreePBX® to other hardware and software systems, such as VoIP phones, CRM software, and network devices.


While FreePBX® offers a robust and flexible PBX solution, it is not without its challenges. The main complaints from users—complex installation, steep learning curve, software bugs, security concerns, and compatibility issues—highlight areas for improvement. By addressing these issues through better documentation, user training, regular updates, enhanced security measures, and improved compatibility, FreePBX® can continue to evolve.